GYNECOLOGY ENDOCRINOLOGY AND FUNCTIONAL DISEASES vaginal bleeding 阴道出血 functional uterine bleeding 功能性子宫出血 amenorrhea 闭经 hypomenorrhea 月经过少 oligomenorrhea 月经过稀 polymenorrhea 月经过频 menorrhagia 月经过多 metrorrhagia 子宫出血 dysmenorrhea 痛经 intermenstrual pain 经间腹痛 premenstrual tension 经前紧张症 menopause syndrom 更年期 综合征 hot flush 潮热 emotional instability 情绪不稳定 osteoporosis 骨质疏松 postmenopausal bleeding 绝经后出血 anovulation 不排卵 anovulatory cycle 不 排卵周期 hyperestrogenemia 高雌素血症 endometrial hyperplasia 子宫内膜增生 cystic hyperplasia 囊性增生 adenomatous hyperplasia 腺瘤样增生 atypical hyperplasia 不典型增生 polycystic ovarian syndrom (POCS) 多囊卵巢综合征 hirsutism 多毛 virilism 男性化 hypothalamic amenorrhea 下丘脑性闭经 pituitary amenorrhea 垂体性闭经 hyperprolactinemia 高泌乳素血症 amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrom 闭经泌乳综合征 microadenoma of pituitary syndrom 垂体微腺瘤 premature ovarian failure 卵巢早衰 corpus luteum insufficiency 黄体功能不足 Asherman's syndrom (synechiac) 宫腔粘连 frigidity 性感冷淡症 dyspareunia 性交痛 infertlity 不孕 sterility 不育 primary sterility 原发不育 secondary sterility 继发不育 insufficient cervical mucus 宫颈粘液不足 tubal occlusion 卵管阻塞 unexplained infertility infections 不明原因不孕 vulvitis 外阴炎 Bartholin's gland abscess 巴氏腺脓肿 Bartholin's gland cyst 巴氏腺囊肿 vulvar folliculitis 外阴毛囊炎 ucleration of vulva 外阴溃疡 vaginalitis 阴道炎 trichomonas vaginitis 滴虫性阴道炎 monilial infection 念珠菌感染 candida albicans 白色念珠菌 senile vaginitis 老年性阴道炎 leukorrhea 白带 pruritus 瘙痒 cervicitis 宫颈炎 erosion of cervicitis 宫颈糜烂 pelvic inflammatory disease 盆腔炎性疾病 endometritis 子宫内膜炎 pyometra 宫腔积脓 parametritis 宫旁组织炎 salpingitis 输卵管炎 oophoritis 卵巢炎 pyosalpinx 输卵管积脓 hydrosalpinx 输卵管积水 tubo-ovarian abscess 卵管卵巢脓肿 tubo-ovarian cyst 卵管卵巢囊肿 pelvic abscess 盆腔肿脓 pelvic peritonitis 盆腔腹膜炎 genital tubercolosis 生殖器结核 venereal disease 性病 sexually transmitted diseases (STD) 性传播疾病 gonorrhea 淋病 gonococcus(i) 淋球菌 syphilis 梅毒 chancre 下疳 condyloma lata 扁平湿疣 chlamydia infection 衣原体感染 chlamydia trachomatis 沙眼衣原体 lymphogranuloma 淋巴肉芽肿 virus infection 病毒感染 human herpes virus 人类疱疹病毒 human papilloma virus 人乳头状瘤病毒 condyloma accuminata 尖锐湿疣 cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection 巨细胞病毒感染 third degree laceration (tear) of perineum 三度会阴撕裂 hematoma of vulva 外阴血肿 relaxation of pelvic support 盆腔支持组织松弛 cystocele 膀胱膨出 urethrocele 尿道膨出 urinary stress incontinence 张力性尿失禁 rectocele 直肠膨出 enterocele 肠疝 laceration of cervix 宫颈撕裂 ectopion (eversion of cervix) 宫颈外翻 elongation of cervix 宫颈延长 prolapse of uterus 子宫脱垂 decentia 二度子宫脱垂 procidentia 三度子宫脱垂 pelvic congestion syndrom 盆腔充血综合征 vesico-vaginal fistula 膀胱阴道 瘘 urethro-vaginal fistula 尿道阴道 瘘 uretero-vaginal fistula 输尿管阴道瘘 recto-vaginal fistula 直肠阴道 瘘 displacement (malposition) of uterus 子宫移位 anteflexion 前屈 retroversion 后倾 retroflexion 后屈 inversion of uterus 子宫内翻 perforation of uterus 子宫穿孔 CONGENITAL ANOMALIES imperforate hymen 无孔处女膜 transverse septum of vagina 阴道横隔 atresia of vagina 阴道 闭锁 hematometra 宫腔积血 hematocolpos 阴道积血 congenital absence of vagina (agenesis of vagina) 先天性无阴道 longitudinal septum of vagina 阴道纵隔 oblique septum of vagina 阴道斜隔 double cervix (cervix duplex) 双宫颈 septate cervix 宫颈纵隔 congenital absence of uterus 先天性无子宫 uterus solidaris 无腔子宫 uterus septus 子宫纵隔 double uterus 双子宫 uterus didelphys 双子宫、双宫颈 uterus dicornis (unicornuate uterus) 双角子宫 arcuate uterus 弓形子宫 uterus unicornis (unicrnuate uterus) 单角子宫 rudimentary horn 子宫残角 rudimentary uterus 始基子宫 congenital agenesis of ovaries 先天性卵巢发育不全 intersex (hermaphroditism) 两性畸形 true hermaphroditism 真两性畸形 pseudo-hermaphroditism 假两性畸形 ovotestis 卵睾体 testicular feminizing syndrom 睾丸女性化综合征 Turner's syndrom 脱纳氏综合征 congenital adrenogenital sydrom 先天性肾上腺生殖综合征 genetic disease 遗传性疾病 chromosome aberration 染色体畸变 chromosome breakage 染色体断变 aneuploid 非整倍体 hypoploid 低倍体 hyperploid 超倍体 trisomy 三体 deletion 缺失 translocation 易位 sex-linkage 性连锁 sex-linked inheritance 伴性遗传 NEOPLASMS (BENIGN AND MALIGNANT) neoplasms of vulva 外阴赘生物 papilloma 乳头状瘤 fibroma 纤维瘤 neurofibroma 神经纤维瘤 lipoma 脂肪瘤 hemangioma 血管瘤 lymphangioma 淋巴管瘤 vulva dystrophy 外阴营养障碍 Lichen sclerosis et atrophicus 萎缩硬化性苔癣 leukoplakia 粘膜白斑 leukoderma 白皮病 Paget's disease of vulva 外阴派杰氏病 intraepithelial carcinoma of vulva (Brown's disease) 外阴上皮内癌 squamous carcinoma 鳞癌 basal cell carcinoma 基底细胞癌 pigmented moles 色素痣 melanoma 黑色素瘤 neoplasms of vagina 阴道赘生物 Gartner's duct cyst 革氏囊肿 inclusion cyst 包涵囊肿 adenosis of vagina 阴道腺病 clear cell carcinoma of vagina 阴道透明细胞癌 neoplasms of cervix 宫颈赘生物 Nabothian cyst 那囊 endocervical polyps 宫颈内膜息肉 dysplasia of cervix 宫颈间变 atypical hyperplasia 不典型增生 carcinoma in situ (intraepithelial carcinoma) 原位癌 invasive carcinoma 侵润癌 microinvasive carcinoma 微侵润癌 adenocarcinoma of cervix 宫颈腺癌 botryoid sarcoma 葡萄状肉瘤 neoplasms of uterus 子宫赘生物 myoma (leiomyoma, fibromyoma,fibroid) of uterus 子宫肌瘤 subserous myoma 浆膜下肌瘤 intramural myoma 肌层内肌瘤 submucous myoma 粘膜下肌瘤 multiple myoma 多发肌瘤 pedunculated myoma 带蒂肌瘤 broad ligament myoma 阔韧带肌瘤 benign degeneration of myoma 肌瘤良性退行性变 cystic change 囊性变 hyaline change 玻璃样变 myxomatous change 粘液性变 red degeration 红色样变 sarcomatous change 肉瘤变 adenomyosis 子宫肌腺病 adenomyoma of uterus 子宫肌腺瘤 stromatosis of uterus 子宫内膜间质异位症 stromal sarcoma of uterus 子宫间质肉瘤 leiomyosarcoma of uterus 子宫平滑肌肉瘤 mixed mesodermal tumor of uterus 子宫中胚叶混合瘤 endometrial polyps 内膜息肉 endometrial carcinoma (carcinoma of corpus uteri) 子宫内膜癌(宫体癌) adenocarcinoma of endometrium 子宫内膜腺癌 adenoacanthoma of endometrium 子宫内膜腺棘癌 adeno-squamous carcinoma of endometrium 子宫内膜腺鳞癌 neoplasms of ovary 卵巢赘生物 follicular cyst 滤泡囊肿 corpus luteum cyst 黄体囊肿 luteoma 黄体瘤 epithelial tumor 上皮性瘤 simple cyst 单纯囊肿 serous cystadenoma 浆液性囊腺瘤 mucinous cystadenoma 粘液性囊腺瘤 pseudomyxoma peritonei 腹膜 粘液瘤 Brenner's tumor 卵巢纤维上皮瘤 borderline tumor 交界性肿瘤 papillary cystadenoma 乳头状囊腺瘤 papillary cystadenocarcinoma 乳头状囊腺癌 adenocarcinoma of ovary 卵巢腺癌 endometrioid carcinoma of ovary 卵巢子宫内膜样癌 clear cell carcinoma of ovary 卵巢透明细胞癌 ovarian cancer (carcinoma of ovary) 卵巢癌 peritoneal implantation 腹膜种植 omental cake 网膜 饼 ascites 腹水 cackexia 恶液质 sex cord-stromal tumors of ovary (gonadal stromal tumors) 性索间质肿瘤 granulosa-cell tumor 颗粒细胞瘤 thecal-cell tumor 泡膜细胞瘤 feminizing tumors 女性化肿瘤 androblastoma 男性母细胞瘤 sertoli-cell tumor of ovary 卵巢支持细胞瘤 Leydig's cell tumor of ovary 卵巢间质细胞瘤 sex cord tumor with annular tubules (SCTAT) 环管状性索间质瘤 primary choriocarcinoma of ovary 卵巢原发绒癌 germ cell tumor of ovary 卵巢生殖细胞肿瘤 mature teratoma (cystic teratoma, dermoid cyst) 成熟畸胎瘤 immature teratoma (solid teratoma, malignant teratoma) 未成熟畸胎瘤 strumal ovarii 卵巢甲状腺瘤 endodermal sinus tumor (Yolk sac tumor, embryonal carcinoma) 内胚窦瘤(卵黄囊瘤,胚胎性癌) dysgerminoma (germinoma) 无性细胞瘤(生殖细胞瘤) metastatic ovarian cancer 转移性卵巢癌 Krukenberg's tumor of ovary 卵巢库肯勃瘤 miscellaneous endometriosis 子宫内膜异位症 endometrial nodules 子宫内膜异位结节 endometrial cyst 子宫内膜 异位囊肿 chocolate cyst 巧克力囊肿 cyst of Morgagni 马氏囊肿 paraovarian cyst 副卵巢囊肿 methothelioma of peritoneum 腹膜间皮瘤 peritoneal papillary carcinoma 腹膜乳头状瘤 extraovarian scrous carcinoma 卵巢外浆液性癌 trophoblastic disease 滋养细胞病 gestational trophoblastic disease 妊娠滋养细胞病 hydatidiform mole (benign mole) 葡萄胎 complete mole 完全性葡萄胎 partial mole 部分性葡萄胎 residual mole 残存葡萄胎 invasive mole 浸润性葡萄胎 choriocarcinoma 绒癌 placenta-site choriocarcinoma 胎盘部位绒癌 DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE biopsy 活检 cervical biopsy 宫颈活检 cone biopsy 锥切活检 endometrial biopsy 内膜活检 diagnostic curettage 诊断性刮宫 fractional curettage 分段刮宫 cervical scraping 宫颈刮片 pap smear 巴氏涂片 endometrial smear 内膜涂片 colposcopy 阴道镜检查 colposcope 阴道镜 Schiller's test 席勒氏试验 endoscopy 内窥镜检查 endoscope 内窥镜 laparoscopy 腹腔镜检查 laparoscope 腹腔镜 culdoscopy 后穹窿镜检查 culdoscope 后穹窿镜 hysteroscopy 宫腔镜检查 hysteroscope 宫腔镜 cystoscopy 膀胱镜检查 cystoscope 膀胱镜 culdocentesis 后穹窿穿刺 peritonrocentesis 腹腔穿刺 thoracocentesis 胸腔穿刺 roentgenography 放射线检查 fluoroscopy X线透视 plain film 平片 hystero-salpingography 子宫输卵管造影 arteriography 动脉造影 Barium meal 钡餐 Barium enema 钡灌肠 intraveneous pyelography 静脉肾盂造影 retrograde pyelography 逆行肾盂造影 lymphography (lymphangiography) 淋巴造影 computerized tomography 电子计算机断层扫描 magnetic resonance imaging 核磁共振显像 radio isotope scan 放射性同位素扫描 renography 肾图 cervical mucus aborization test 宫颈 粘液结晶试验 ferm 羊齿状结晶 postcoital test (Huhner's test) 交媾后试验 rubin test 卵管通气试验 hydrotubation 输卵管通液 progesterone withdrawal test 孕激素撤退试验 estrogen withdral test 雌激素撤退试验 determination 测定 measurment 测量 titer 滴定 bioassay 生物测定 immuoassay 免疫测定 radioimmunoassay 放射免疫测定 radioimmuo-imaging 放射免疫显像 monoclonal antibody 单克隆抗体 polyclonal antibody 多克隆抗体 enzyme-labeled immunoassay 酶标免疫测定 electrophoresis 电泳 chromatography 层析法 liquid chromatography 液相层析 gas chromatography 气相层析 flow cytometry 液式细胞计检查 fluorescence microscopy 莹光显微术 antigen 抗原 antibody 抗体 happen 半抗原 complement 补体 antigen-antibody complex 抗原抗体复合物 substrate 底物 globulin 球蛋白 immunoglobulin 免疫球蛋白 alpha-fetoprotein 甲胎蛋白 electrolytes 电解质 trace element 微量 元素 complete blood count (CBC) 全血计数 urinalysis 尿分析 hematocrit 血球比积 cogulation time 凝血时间 bleeding time 出血时间 protrombin time 凝血酶原时间 TREATMENT (THERAPY) thermotherapy 温热疗法 electrocoagulation 电凝法 electrocauterization 电烙 cryosurgery (cryotherapy) 冷冻 laser therapy 激光治疗 Pessary insertion 放置子宫托 OPERATIVE (SURGICAL) TREATMENT surgical instruments 外科器械 instruments for microsurgery 显微外科器械 suture 缝线 suture material 缝合物质 silk 丝线 catgut 肠线 chromic catgut 铬制肠线 plain catgut 白肠线 synthetic suture material 合成缝线 absorbable suture material 可吸收缝线 nonabsorbable suture material 不可吸收缝线 nylon filament 尼龙丝线 steel wire 钢丝 retention suture 保留缝线 needle 针 curved needle 弯针 straight needle 直针 cutting needle 三角针 forceps 镊 toothed forceps 齿镊 clamps 钳 hemostat 止血钳 Kelly clamp 弯钳 mosquito clamp 蚊式钳 Allis clamp 鼠齿钳 needle holder 持针器 Kocker's forceps 柯克氏钳 sponge forceps 海绵钳 tenaculum 把持钩 scissors 剪 bandage scissors 绷带剪 retractor 牵开器 self-retaining retractor 自动牵开器 Deever's retractor 弯形牵开器 trocar 套针 probe 探针 uterine sound 宫腔探针 hegar's dilator 海格氏扩张器 curet 刮匙 tourniquet 止血带 incision 切开 excision (rescetion) 切除 removal 切除 cutting 切 sewing 缝 tying 扎 dividing 离断 dissection 分离 a stitch 一针缝线 ligation 结扎 approximation 对合 anastomosis 吻合术 exploration 探查术 laparotomy 剖腹术 vulvectomy 外阴切除术 simple vulvectomy 单纯外阴切除术 radical vulvectomy 根治式外阴切除术 groin lymph node dissection 鼠蹊淋巴结切除术 local excision 局部切除 perineorrhaphy 会阴缝合术 repair of third degree tear 三度撕裂修补术 marsupialization 袋形缝合术 hymenectomy 处女膜切开 consrtuction of vagina 阴道再造术 anterior colporrhaphy 阴道前壁修补术 posterior colporrhaphy 阴道后壁修补术 Manchester operation 曼彻斯特手术 vaginal hysterectomy 阴式子宫切除 colpocleisis 阴道闭合术 vaginectomy 阴道切除术 conization of cervix 宫颈锥切 amputation of cervix 宫颈截除 sturmdorf suture 宫颈整形缝合 trachelorrhaphy 宫颈缝合术 cervicoplasty 宫颈成形术 hysterectomy 子宫切除术 subtotal (supravaginal) hysterectomy 次全子宫切除术 total hysterectomy 全子宫切除术 myomectomy 肌瘤剔除术 hysteroplasty 子宫成形术 radical hysterectomy 广泛式子宫切除术 subradical hysterectomy (extended hysterectomy) 次广泛子宫切除术(扩大的子宫切除术) lymphadenectomy 淋巴结切除术 pelvic lymphadenoetomy 盆腔淋巴结切除 para-aortic lymphadenoectomy 腹主动脉旁淋巴结切除 pelvic exenteration 盆腔廓清术 |
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