Gynecologist 妇科学家 Oncologist 肿瘤学家 Endocrinologist 内分泌学家 Pathologist 病理学家 Cytologist 细胞学家 Perinatologist 围产学家 Neonatologist 新生儿学家 Radiologist 放射学家 Geneticist 遗传学家 Anesthetist 麻醉医师 Attending physician 主治医师 Resident physician 住院医师 Intern 实习医师
ANATOMY Reproductive System (Genital System) 生殖系统 Genital tract 生殖道 ORGANS vulva 外阴 mons pubis 阴阜 vestibule 前庭 clitoris 阴蒂 prepuse 包皮 labium major 大阴唇 Bartholin's gland 巴氏腺 labium minor 小阴唇 urethral orifice 尿道口 perineum 会阴 vagina 阴道 fornix 穹窿 uterus 子宫 corpus 宫体 fundus 宫底 isthmus 峡部 cervix 宫颈 endocervial canal 宫颈管 endometrium 子 宫内膜 myometrium 子宫肌层 serosa 浆膜 Fallopian tube 输卵管 ampulla 壶腹部 fimbria 伞部 ovary 卵巢 cortex 皮质 medulla 髓质 hilum 卵巢门 Douglas pouch(Cul-de-sac) 子宫直肠窝
LIGAMENTS broad lig. 阔韧带 round lig. 圆韧带 cardinal lig. 主韧带 uterosacral lig. 宫骶韧带 infundibulo-pelvic lig. 漏斗骨盆韧带 inguinal lig. 腹股沟韧带 sacrospinous lig. 骶棘韧带
BLOOD VESSELS ovarian artery 卵巢动脉 uterine a. 子宫动脉 ascending branch 升支 desecnding branch 降支 common iliac a. 髂总动脉 externa iliac a. 髂外动脉 internal iliac a.(hypogastric a.) 髂内动脉 superior vesical a. 膀胱上动脉 abdominal aorta 腹主动脉 inderior vena cava 下腔静脉 inferior mesenteric a. 肠系膜下动脉 femoral a. 股动脉 great saphenous vein 大隐静脉 nutritional a. 营养动脉
NERVES obturator n. 闭孔神经 pre-sacral n. 骶 前神经 sympathetic n. 交感神经 parasympathetic n 副交感神经
MUSCLES levator ani m. 提肛肌 pubococcygeous m. 耻骨尾骨肌 illiococcygeous m. 髂骨尾骨肌 sphineter ani m. 肛门括约肌 psoas major m. 腰大肌
PELVIC BONE pubic bone 耻骨 pubic arch 耻骨弓 symphysis pubis 耻骨联合 pubic ramus(i) 耻骨支 ilium 髂骨 ischium 坐骨 ischial tuberosity 坐骨结节 ischial spine 坐骨棘 sacrum 骶骨 promontory 骶岬 sacroiliac joint 骶髂关节 coccyx 尾骨 verterbra(e) 椎骨 spinal column 脊柱
ABDOMINAL VISCERA AND STRUCTURE peritoneum 腹膜 parietal peritoneum 壁层腹膜 visceral peritoneum 脏层腹膜 peritoneal reflection 腹膜反折 intraperitoneal 腹膜内 extraperitoneal 腹膜外 retroperitoneal 胃 stomach 贲门 cardia 幽门 pylorus 胃底 intestine(Bowel) 肠 small intestine 小肠 duodenum 十二指肠 jejunum 空肠 ileum 回肠 large intestine 大 肠 ascending colon 升结肠 transverse colon 横结肠 desecnding colon 降结肠 sigmoid colon 乙状结肠 cecum 盲肠 appendix 阑尾 ileocecal junction 回盲部 rectum 直肠 anal canal 肛管 mesentery 肠系膜 mesocolon 结肠系膜 omentum 网膜 liver 肝 spleen 脾 pancreas 胰 gall bladder 胆囊 kidney 肾 ureter 输尿管 uriinary bladder 膀胱 utethra 尿道 diaphragm 膈
ENDOCRINE ORGANS pituitary gland(hypophysis) 垂体 supra-renal(adrenal) gland 肾上腺 throid gland 甲状腺 pancreatic island 胰岛 hypothalamus 下丘脑 PHYSIOLOGY hypothalamic-hypophyscal-ovarian axis 下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴 menstruation 月经 menstral cycle 月经周期 ovulation 排卵 ovulatory cycle 排卵周期 germinal epithelium 生发上皮 ovum 卵子 oocyte 卵细胞 ovarian follicle 卵泡 primordial follicle 始基卵泡 mature follicle 成熟卵泡 Atretie follicle 闭锁卵泡 corpus hemorrhagica 血体 corpus luteum 黄体 corpus albicans 白体 granulosa cells 颗粒细胞 thecal cells 泡膜细胞 Gonadotropin releasing hormone(GNRH) 促性腺激素释放素 luteotropic hormone releasing hormone(LHRH) 黄体生成素释放素 Gonadotropin 促性腺激素 follicle stimulating hormone(FSH) 卵泡刺激素 luteotropic hormone(LH) 黄体生成素 prolactin(PRL) 泌乳素 estrogen 雌激素 estradiol 雌二醇 estriol 雌三醇 estrone 雌醇 progesterone 孕醇 prenancdiol 孕二醇 androgen 雄激素 testosterone 睾醇 proliferative endometrium 增殖内膜 secretory endometrium 分泌内膜 basal body temperature (BBT) 基础体 follicular phase 卵泡期 luteal phase 黄体期 human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) 绒毛膜促性腺激素 human plancental lactogen 胎盘催乳 pitocin 催产素 pitressin 后叶加压素 adrenal corticotropic hormone(ACTH) 促肾上腺皮质激素 thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH) 促甲状腺素 thytoxine 甲状腺素 adrenal cortical hormone 肾上腺皮质激素 adrenalin 肾上腺素 insulin 胰岛素 receptor 受体 estrogen receptor 雌激素受体 progesterone receptor 孕激素受体 adlolescence(puberty) 青春期 menarche 初潮 secondary sex characters 第二性征 menopause(climacteric) 绝经期 postmenopausal 绝经后的
EMBRYOLOGY AND GENETICS gamet 配子 zygot 合子 embryo 胚胎 fetus 胎儿 endoderm 内胚层 mesoderm 中胚层 ectoderm 外胚层 coelom 体腔 urogenital ridge 泌尿生殖嵴 Wolffian duct(mesonephric duct) 中肾管 Mullerian duct(paramesonephric duct) 副中肾管 urogenital sinus 泌尿生殖窦 cloaca 泄殖腔 inheritance 遗传 chromosome 染色体 chromatin 染色质 chromatid 染色单体 autosome 常染色体 sex-chromosome 性染色体 long arm 长臂 short arm 短臂 centromere 着丝点 phenotype 表现型 karyotype 核型 dominant 显性 recessive 隐性 mitosis 有丝分袭 meiosis 减数分裂 oogenesis 卵子发生 diploid 二倍体
OBSTETICS fertilization 受精 implantation 种植 pregnancy(gestation) 妊娠 decidua 蜕膜 amnion 羊膜 chorion 绒毛膜 chorionic villus 绒毛 trophoblast 滋养细胞 cytotrophoblast 细胞滋养细胞 syncytiotrophoblast 合体滋养细胞 fetal(amniotic) sac 胎(羊膜)囊 plancenta 胎盘 umbilicus 脐 umbilical cord 脐带 umbilical vessels 脐血管 discoloration of cervix 宫颈着色 morning sickness 宫颈变软 fetal heart sound 胎心音 quickening 胎动 fundal height 宫高 amniotic fluid 羊水 twin 双胎 monozygotic(identical) twins 单合子双胎 dizygotic (biovular) twins 双合子双胎 triplet 三胎 gestational weeks 孕周 first trimester 早期妊娠 second trimester 中期妊娠 third trimester 晚期妊娠 term 足月妊娠 perinatal period 围产期 fetal maturity 胎儿成熟度 birth canal 产道 pelvis 骨盆 inlet 入口 outlet 出口 midplane 中腔 gynecoid pelvis 女性骨盆 android pelvis 男人型骨盆 anthropoid pelvis 类人猿型骨盆 platypelloid pelvis 扁平型骨盆 external conjugate 外结合径 diagonal conjugate 对角结合径 insterspinous diameter 棘间径 transverse diameter of outlet 外横径 side wall 侧壁
NORMAL LABOR onset of labor 产程发动 labor pain 产痛 threatened labor 先兆临产 bloody show 血先露 rupature of membranes 破膜 parturation 生产 parturient 产程 primigravida 初孕妇 primipara 初产妇 multipara 经产妇 grand multipara 多产妇 fetal presentation 胎先露 fetal position 胎位 vertex presentation 顶先露 left occiput anterior(LOA) 左枕前位 right occiput posterior(ROP) 右枕后位 floating(head) 头浮 engagement 衔接 descending of presenting part 先露部下降 station of presentation part 先露部位置 effacement of cervix 宫颈消失 dilation of cervix 宫颈扩张 uterine contraction 宫缩 intensity 强度 duration 持续时间 interval 间歇 fitst stage of labor 第一产程 second stage of labor 第二产程 third stage of labor 第三产程 latent phase 潜伏期 acceleration phase 加速 deceleration phase 减速 flexion of fetal head 胎头俯曲 extension of fetal head 胎头仰伸 internal rotation 内旋转 external rotation 外旋转 crowning 着冠 delivery of baby 胎儿娩出 delivery of placenta 胎盘娩出 laceration of vaginal mucosa 阴道粘膜撕裂 laceration of perineum 会阴撕裂 postpartum 产后 puperium 产褥期 lochia 恶露 bloody lochia 血性恶露 serous lochia 浆液性恶露 involution of uterus 子宫复旧 lactation( breast feeding) 哺乳 colostrum 初乳 suppression of lactation(wraning the milk) 退奶
ABNORMAL PREGNANCY nausea and vomitting of pregancy 妊娠呕吐 hyperemesis gravidarum 妊娠剧吐 abortion(miscarriage) 流产 threatened abortion 先兆流产 inevitable abortion 难免流产 incomplete abortion 不全流产 missed abortion 稽留流产 septic abortion 感染流产 habitual abortion 习惯流产 cervical incompetence 宫颈机能不全 ectopic pregnancy 异位妊娠 extrauterine pregancy 宫外孕 tubal pregancy 输卵管妊娠 tubal abortion 输卵管妊娠流产 ovarian pregancy 卵巢妊娠 abdominal pregancy 腹腔妊娠 hemoperitoneum 腹腔积血 high-risk pregancy 高危妊娠 hydroamnious(polyamnious) 羊水过多 oligohydramnious 羊水过少 toxemia of pregancy 妊娠中毒症 pregancy-induced hypertension(PIH) 妊高征 hypertensive disorders of pregancy 妊娠高血压疾患 pre-eclampsia 先兆子痫 eclampsia 子痫 convulsion 抽搐 premature rupture of membrane 胎膜早破 premature birth 早产 intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) 宫内生长迟缓 small for gestational age (SGA) 小于胎龄 large for gestational age (LGA) 大于胎龄 macrosomia 巨大儿 prolonged pregancy 过期妊娠 overdue (postdate) 过期 postmaturity 过熟 fetal distress 胎儿窘迫 fetal bradycardia 胎心过缓 fetal tachycardia 胎心过速 fetal heart irrythmia 胎心心律不齐 meconium-staining amniotic fluid 羊水粪染 intrauterine death 胎死宫内 contracted pelvis 骨盆狭窄 generally contracted pelvis 均小骨盆 flat pelvis 扁平骨盆 osteomalacic pelvis 骨质软化骨盆 funnel pelvis 漏斗骨盆
ABNORMAL LABOR abnormal uterine contraction 异常宫缩 uterine inertia 子宫无力 hypotonic contraction 低张性宫缩 hypertonic contraction 高张性宫缩 tetanic contraction 强直性宫缩 constriction ring 缩窄环 pathologic retration ring 病理性缩窄环 impending of rupture of uterus 先兆子宫破裂 rupture of uterus 子宫破裂 history of previous cesarean section 前次剖宫产史 primipara with floating head 初产头浮 cephalo-pelvic disproportion 头盆不称 cervical dystocia 宫颈难产 abnormal presentation 胎位异常 persistent occiput posterior 持续性枕后位 persistent transverse arrest 持续性枕横位 breech presentation 臀位 frank breech 伸腿臀 footling 足先臀 incomplete breech 不完全臀位 transverse (shoulder) presentation 横位(肩先露) face presentation 面先露 brow presentation 额先露 compound presentation 复合先露 prolapse of umbilical cord 脐带脱垂 shoulder dystocia 肩难产 locked twin 交锁双胎 conjointed twin 联体双胎 prolonged labor 产程延长 prolonged second stage 第二产程延长 obstetric shock 产科休克 antenatal hemorrhage 产前出血 placenta previa 前置胎盘 central (complete) 中央型 partial 部分型 low implantation 低置 abruption plancentae (premature separation of planceta) 胎盘早剥 concealed hemorrhage 隐性出血 revealed hemorrhage 显性出血 uteo-placental apoplexy 子宫胎盘卒中 amniotic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞 disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) 弥漫性血管内凝血 early postpartum hemorrhage 早期产 后出血 late postpartum hemorrhage 晚期产后出血 puerperal hemorrhage 产祷期出血 retention of placenta 胎盘滞留 retention of placenra fragment 部分胎盘滞留 retention of fetal membranes 胎膜滞留 adherent placenta 胎膜粘连 placenta accreta 胎盘植入 placenta percreta 胎盘穿透 Sheehan's disease 席汉氏征 pueperal morbidity 产褥病率 pueperal infection 产褥感染 pueperal sepsis 产后败血症 puperal endometritis 产褥期子宫内膜炎 pelvic cellutitis 盆腔蜂窝质炎 frozen pelvis 冰冻骨盆 septic thrombophlebitis 感染性血栓性静脉炎 puerperal tetanus 产褥期破伤风 placenta duplex 双胎盘 placenta bipartita 双叶胎盘 placenta circumvallata 轮状胎盘 infarction of placenta 胎盘梗死 rupture of marginal sinus 边缘窦破裂 marginal insertion of umbilical cord 脐带边缘附着 velamentous insertion of umbilical cord 脐带帆状附着 vasa previa 血管前置
EXAMINATIONS AND TEST pregnacy test 妊娠试验 radioimmunoassay for hCG hCG放免测定 ultrasonography (ultrasound scanning) 超声波检查 B-scan B型超声波扫描 ultrasonic estimation of fetal weight and maturity 超声波估价胎儿体重及成熟 ultrasonic localization of placenta 超声波定位胎盘 amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺 chorionic villi sampling 绒毛标本采取 chromosome analysis 染色体分析 fetoscopy 胎儿镜检查 fetoscope 胎儿镜 pelvimetry 骨盆测量 fetal heart monitoring 胎心监测 tocography 宫缩描记术 tocograph 宫缩描记 baseline fetal heart rate 胎心基线 variability 可变性 deccleration 减速 acceleration 加速 early deceleration 早减速 late deceleration 晚减速 prolonged deceleration 延长减速 varial deceleration 可变减速 non stress test (NST) 非应力试验 oxytocin challenge test (OCT) 催产素刺激试验 estimation of fetal lung maturity 胎儿肺成熟度估价 lecithin/sphimgomyelin ratio 卵磷脂/鞘磷脂比值 amnioscopy 羊膜镜检查 amnioscope 羊膜镜 fetal scalp blood sampling 胎儿头皮血取样 blood gas analysis 血气分析
MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION termination of pregnancy 终止妊娠 therapeutic abortion 疗病流产 suction abortion 吸引流产 hysterotomy 子宫切开术 vaginal hysterotomy 经阴道子宫切开术 cerclage of cervix 宫颈环扎 intra-amniotic transfusion 羊膜腔内输血 artificial rupture of membranes (amniotomy) 人工破膜 manual stripping of membranes 人工剥膜 indution of labor by pitocin 催产素引产 indution of labor prostaglandin 前列腺素引产 oxytocin stimulation for uterine contraction 催产素刺激宫缩 manual rotation of fetal head 手转胎头 episiotomy 会阴切开术 medio-lateral episiotomy 会阴中侧切 median episiotomy 会阴正中切开 cervicotomy 宫颈切开术 obstetric forceps 产钳 midforceps delivery 中位产钳助产钳 lowforceps delivery 低位产钳助产钳 outlet forceps delivery 出口产钳助产钳 piper's forceps 后出头产钳 vacuum extractor 吸引器 vacuum extractor of fetal head 胎头吸引术 external version 外倒转 breech extraction 臀牵引 delivery of aftercoming head 后出头分娩 internal podalic version 内倒转 destructive operation 毁胎术 craniotomy 穿颅术 decapitation 断头术 cleidotomy 锁骨切断术 evisceration 去脏术 Cesarean section (C.S) 剖宫产 classical C.S 古典剖宫产 lower segment C.S 下段剖宫产 extraperitoneal C.S 腹膜 外剖宫产 Cesarean hysterectomy (Porro's operation) 剖宫子宫切除术 manual removal of placenta 手取胎盘
NEWBORN (NORMAL AND ABNORMAL) neonatal 新生儿的 birth weight 出生体重 anterior fontanelle 前囱 posterior fontanelle 后囱 biparietal diameter 双顶径 suboccipital bragmatic diameter 枕下前囱径 caput succedaneum 先锋头 molding of fetal head 胎头塑形 cephallohematoma 胎头血肿 cord around neck 脐带绕颈 true knot of umbilical cord 脐带真结 false knot of umbilical cord 脐带假结 umbilical hernia 脐疝 neonatal asphyxia 新生儿窒息 Apgar scoring 阿氏评分 cyanosis 紫绀 resuscitation of newborn 新生儿复苏 endotrachael intubation 气管内插管 birth injure 产伤 brachial palsy 臂丛麻痹 fracture of clavicle 锁骨骨折 fracture of humorus 肱骨骨折 cerebral hemorrhage 颅内出血(脑出血 ) fracture of skull 颅骨骨折 laceration of tentorium cerebelli 小脑幕撕裂 laceration of falx cerebri 大脑镰撕裂 meconium aspiration 胎粪吸入 aspiration pneumonia 吸入性肺炎 respiratory distress syndrom (RDS) 呼吸窘 迫综合征 hyaline membrane disease (HMD) 透明膜病 atelectasis 肺不张 peumothorax 气胸 hemorrhagic disease of newborn 新生儿出血病 hemolytic disease of newborn 新生儿溶血症 hyperbilirubinemia 高胆红素血症 physiologic jaundice 生理性黄疸 isoimmunization 同族免疫 blood group incomaptibility 血型不合 hydrops fetalis 胎儿水肿 nucleae jaundice (Kernicterus) 核黄疸 phototherapy 光疗 exchange transfusion 交换输血 congenital anomaly (malformation) 先天畸形 hydrocephalus 脑积水 anencephalus 无脑儿 microcephalus 小头畸形 spina bifida 脊柱裂 meningocele 脑脊膜膨出 hare lip 兔唇 cleft palate 腭裂 Down's syndrom 先天愚型